Welcome to Sound Fairies. Sound Solutions.

Covering North London and Hertfordshire offering “Therapeutic, Acoustic….  Sound & Colour”.

Pain?? Stress?? Emotional turmoil??  Fuzzyness round the head??  Get in touch…

What happens when you get home from work and put on your favourite tune??  You relax, smile, unwind from the stresses of the day.

What happens when you go out to nature, sit on the grass and listen to the birds tweeting and the wind in the trees?? Or if you sit on the beach and listen to the sea??  The sounds we find in nature provide natural relaxation and healing.


The stress of modern living affects our physical and energetic bodies a lot more than we realize.  Often, we only start to take notice when we become physically sick or feel pain.

It was Pythagoras who first claimed that he could soothe the soul with the sound of his Lyre…  So rather than therapeutic sound being a “New Age” thing, it is actually a very ancient and well practiced art.

Acoustic sound enters the body as vibration and can affect major changes in the human system. It may be used to treat all types of physical symptoms, aches, pains, emotional stress, mental chatter, energetic imbalance. You name it, we can work on it.



EVERYBODY can benefit from therapeutic sound.

Get in touch to find out what it can do for you…

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